
  • <p>  环球在40年代推出了一套低成本悬疑系列电视电影“内部圣所之谜”。  这套影片根据当时很火的悬…
  • A group of lakeside visitors who are terrorised by an ancient vampiric evil.
  • 血腥的修女回来了,这次是在妓院里释放的,邪恶的受害者会在夜晚生存吗?
  • 山姆·克拉弗林加盟蒂莫西·斯波主演犯罪惊悚片[腐败](The Corrupted,暂译),罗·思卡佩罗执导,片中山姆·克拉…
  • A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls f…
  • 一个男人被迫面对他的恐惧和麻烦的过去。他必须找到一种方法在暴力的杀戮狂欢中生存。。。
  • Ryan is a womanizing stockbroker whose unethical business practices cost him his job and his trader's lice…
  • Jacob Chandler is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary gift. The epitome of the accidental exorcist,…